New advisor welcome box

Make a great first impression with new advisors

Contact us about this opportunity


Fast facts:

  • Sent to ~100 advisors per quarter
  • Receive exclusive list of newly onboarded advisors

Providers can now sponsor our new advisor welcome box!

Providers can include a gift and note (or collateral) in an unboxing for new AppDirect advisors in our onboarding program, sent quarterly. Sponsorship covers one quarter of distribution and recipient list. Gifts and collateral must be sent to AppDirect at the start of the sponsored quarter. Sourcing and sending gifts is the sponsoring provider's responsibility and not included in sponsorship cost. Sourcing and sending the gifted items is the responsibility of the sponsoring provider and is not included in the sponsorship price.

Sourcing and sending the gift items to us is the responsibility of the sponsoring providers and is not included in the sponsorship price.

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